Based on the edge feature of optic cup in an eye funds image, we presents a new segmentation method which is based on BP neural network. 根据眼底图象中视杯的边沿特征,提出了一种基于BP神经网络的视杯分割方法,详述了这种方法的实现过程,并研究了BP学习算法的加速问题。
Here we report the dynamic, autonomous formation of the optic cup ( retinal primordium) structure from a three-dimensional culture of mouse embryonic stem cell aggregates. 在本文中我们报告了视杯(视网膜原始细胞)结构在三维培养介质中的动态的、自发性的成形过程,该培养基是由鼠胚胎干细胞聚集物组成。
AIM: To quantitatively assess the normal reference values for optic disc, cup and per-papillary retinal nerve fiber layer ( RNFL) thickness with optical coherence tomography ( OCT) on normal eyes. 目的:观察光学相干断层扫描仪检测正常人视盘、视杯形态及盘周视网膜神经纤维层厚度。
Image analysis in the determination of the size and ratio of optic cup and optic disc in Chinese of different age-groups 图像分析测量中国人各年龄组视杯视盘面积及比值
The smog of tobacco can retard or delay the formation and development of the optic vesicle and optic cup of the fetus, which is considered as the morphological base of the passive smoking-induced eye malformation. 香烟烟雾可阻碍或延迟视泡、视杯的发生和发育,这是被动吸烟致胚胎眼畸形的形态学基础。
High ability of hyperplasia of the optic cup stem cells cultured in vitro is found. The cells, which are retinal stem cells, can express several specifically marked proteins of mature retinal cells after inducement and differentiation. 体外培养的视杯干细胞增生能力强,经诱导分化后表达多种成熟视网膜细胞特异性标记蛋白。
The mainly manifestation of orbital apex were early decreased visual acuity, slightly proptosis and edema or atrophy of optic cup, misdiagnosis was high in the early stage. 眶尖肿瘤主要表现早期视力障碍,轻度眼球突出,眼底视盘水肿或萎缩,早期易误诊。
Optic Cup Index: The Simple Method of Calculation and Its Clinical Significance 视杯指数的简易计算法及其临床意义
The Segmentation of Optic Cup in Eye Funds Image Based on Neural Network 基于神经网络的眼底视杯图象分割技术
E18  ̄ 30d, the optic vesicles of the diencephalic sides convert into the optic cup, the rudiment of the retina arises. E18~30d,间脑两侧的视泡分化成视杯,视网膜原基发生。
Conclusion The optic disc size, neuroretinal rim and cup area show significant variability in a normal population. 结论人群中视盘、盘沿、视杯的变异范围较宽。
The study of development of optic disc, optic cup and retinal central vessel 人眼视盘、视杯和视网膜中央血管的发育研究
Firstly the optic cup development to embryo eyes, and then gradually development to the retinal layers of cells. 先由视杯发育为胚眼,再逐渐发育出视网膜各层细胞。